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Friday, April 27, 2012

Poptropica Friends Is Coming !!! Part 3

A Poptropica album for your friends and for yourself in Poptropica?No Way!!But here is what I saw at the Poptropica Friends sneak peeks!!Now you can say OMG(Oh My God !!).This article is shocking!!This is your number one album for your Poptropican.

One of the new features that will be coming with Poptropica Friends is the photo album. It's like your own virtual scrapbook of your adventures through Poptropica!

By playing through Islands, you'll occasionally see a message that says "New Photo Added" when you get to an important part of the story. Then, when you visit your photo album, you'll see snapshots showing you a new perspective of your character's feats. Every Island has about four different photos. There are over 100 in total!

Even better: every time you earn a new photo, the outfit you were wearing at the time is recorded in the picture. Even if you change clothes, you can costumize from your photos later!

Wait, there's more! If you're looking through a friend's photo album, you can costumize off of them, too. It's like the number of possible costumes just went to infinity!


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