Poptropica Hall of Fame

Lazy Pelican has won the title!Click here for more!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Second Tribe Of Poptropolis Games Island

Continuing our peek at the tribes of Poptropica, say hello to...


This tribe will rise and fall on the wings of their dreams. Maybe you can help them achieve such great heights!


First Tribe For Poptropolis Games Island

Last week we gave you a teaser image of some of the tribes of Poptropica. This week, we'll introduce you properly. Without further ado, say hello to...


               Flying Squid

This tribe hopes to have more than an inkling of victory in the Poptropolis Games.We'll unveil the rest of the tribes throughout the week! 


A One Time Winner For Reality TV Island

The one time winner for Reality TV Island is Invisible Catfish.Lets give him a round of applause!And,well done!!
This is him: