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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Up Next,Virus Hunter Island !!!

Shocked?Amazed?Your jaws have dropped down?Yep!It's official!The next island after Back Lot Island is Virus Hunter Island!I know! Even though Poptropica creators have not announced the next Poptropica Island in their blog site about Poptropica,we knew that the name for the island after Back Lot Island will be definitely Virus Hunter Island!

We know that the next island would be Virus Hunter Island,because,if you could see,Poptropica's artist,Nasan Hardcastle, has posted pictures on his blog for characters he has designed, including this image below of what looks like characters for the next island:

Nasan Hardcastle's blog website is: http://softshack.blogspot.hk/search/label/poptropica

Amazing right?By the way, check out Nasan’s site, Soft-Shack, for more cool Poptropica artwork.) A Whois search for virushunterisland.com confirms that Poptropica has owned the domain since March 12, 2013, and it even re-directs to Poptropica. Hmmm,could it be that Virus Hunter Island is the next island on Poptropica?Who knows!

You may remember or have noticed the Daily Pop sneak peeks featuring Poptropicans exploring the human body’s interior, which shows us that the next island, Virus Hunter, will involve exploring a Poptropican’s body and his/her insides.Also, from the Poptropica characters above, we can see it has something to do with a gym. Cardio exercise time!

Now… what about Dr. Lange? (First of all, she is named after Poptropica's designer, Ashley Lange? Creators’ inside joke, perhaps?) We think she may be a suspicious character (this is because and also evidently, red goggles + lab coat = PURE EVIL).

Poptropicans, good luck for the next island!