What we all speculated about this Poptropica Island was the truth and we all know it before the creators announced!The next Poptropica Island(Virus Hunter)was announced by Captain Crawfish on 15 May 2013.This island might look fun to play,but its a bit disgusting as you need to go inside a Poptropican's body and destroy the virus that's attacking him.This is what Captain Crawfish said...
We're thrilled to announce the next great adventure coming to Poptropica.
Virus Hunter Island!
Somewhere in Poptropica, an unknown citizen harbors within his bloodstream a dangerous new virus. Your mission: locate Patient Zero, and eradicate the disease before it spreads. Prepare for a perilous journey to the most far-out place of all -- inside the human body!
It's the biggest and best (or maybe smallest and spiffiest?) Poptropica Island ever! To learn more, visit the Virus Hunter Island info page.
We all know that patient zero is most probably Joe.You don't know who is Joe?Then click here: http://poptropica-beefy-ring.blogspot.sg/2013/05/news-flashcould-virus-hunter-be-next.html this post will tell you everything about Virus Hunter Island.
And,Captain Crawfish mentions that it is the biggest and best,smallest or spiffiest Poptropica Island ever.By seeing this quotation,you will immediately know that we are being shrunk to microscopic size.So,what are your thoughts about this island?Please comment below now!
Stay tuned for more...Virus Hunting!