Back Lot Island will be coming to Poptropica on 25 April 2013 at 2 pm EST to be exact and accurate.There is only 6 days left for this amazing Hollywood-like island to come in just a few days.If you could see on the left of this website,there is a countdown timer!The countdown timer is used to see how much time is left for Back Lot Island to arrive on Poptropica!Just look to the left of this website to view the timer now!
And also,lets have a word from our favourite Poptropican pirate,you know who,Captain Crawfish about the arrival of Back Lot Island!
The summer movie season is nearly upon us, but the biggest blockbuster of all isn't at your local theater. It's on your computer! Back Lot Island will be available to everyone in one short week.
If you can't wait that long, Back Lot Island is available right now for Poptropica Members, who also get an array of exclusive Back Lot Island-themed stuff from the Poptropica Store. And don't forget, the Back Lot Island Director's costume will only be in the store for another week.
Become a Member today and get the full Back Lot Island experience!
Thank you Captain Crawfish!Poptropicans,if you are really in a hurry,become a member now to play Back Lot Island Now at Poptropica!Because,when Back Lot Island arrives,the director costume in Back Lot Island will be gone...forever!If you don't want that to happen go and be a member now at Poptropica!
This is the director outfit that will disappear when Back Lot Island arrives on 25 April 2013. |
Besides all of this,here are the Back Lot Island Extras!These are the desktop backgrounds/wallpapers and posters for your use:
This is the desktop wallpaper
This is the printable poster.And finally,here is the trailer of Back Lot Island!
And,to also help our dearest non-members of Poptropica,here is the demo of Back Lot Island!
Here is also another trailer and sneak peeks video of Back Lot Island compiled by Thinknoodles: